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Code Training


The NW EcoBuilding Guild has partnered with leading jurisdictions and innovators to offer a pilot training workshop on the Code Innovations Database to local jurisdictions and through our regional education partners. The goal of our training is to empower people to learn, lead and collaborate for code compliance methods that facilitate green building innovations.

The Code Innovations Database – Pilot workshop

What are code innovations and why are they important?  This short workshop describes how to use the new web-based resource to “make it easier to build green” by sharing case studies of successfully permitted green and high-performance building innovations.  In the rapidly evolving world of building codes, innovation and public policy drive constant change – the training looks at how code officials and builders can collaborate to improve outcomes from this process and get more green projects designed, permitted and built.

  • Option 1:  Introductory “Talk” 15-45 minutes part of another event (see the powerpoint)
  • Option 2:  Pilot Workshop – 60-90 minutes “How to Use the Code Innovations Database

Technical Assistance:

NWEBG Staff Consultants will provide on-site on telephone technical assistance to any jurisdiction wishing to incorporate the Code Innovations Database into your Building Permit Center (on-site TA limited to W. WA and NW Oregon.  Contact our Principal Investigator for more information – or (360) 789-9669

Future Offerings:  Code Innovations Curriculum

The pilot workshop is part 1 of a larger Code Innovations Curriculum for builders and code officials now in development that covering a range of strategies and tools for facilitating efficient compliance and reducing code barriers to innovation, based on successful examples from around the Northwest and beyond.

The complete code innovations curriculum will be a 20-hour curriculumavailable in 2-4 hour modules including both theory and practice – including classroom instruction, field work and site-based demonstrations.  Curriculum Modules will include:

  • Alternative Materials and Methods – non-prescriptive compliance cases, model programs and trends
  • Evolving Green Codes – trends, factors and innovations driving advanced building codes
  • Innovative Code Collaboratives and Initiatives – best practices and leading examples of multi-jurisdictional and public-private partnerships advancing green codes
  • Information Sharing and Incentives to reduce code barriers to innovation
  • Code Innovations Database – Integration with local jurisdictions permit center for research and education/outreach

The full curriculum is in conceptual development, and will completed and published as soon as possible, contingent on available funding and resources.  Can you help?

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